Tuesday, February 08, 2005

~2-8-05~ SNIFF-SNIFF

thanks to my wonderful husband, who gave me benedryl and some nose spray, i can now breathe through my nose! i woke up saturday with a sore throat, and it went to my nose, clogged up and stayed that way. it was awful!!

i don't know why i didn't think of the medicine. i just don't get into swallowing pills!!! i hate it. i'd rather complain about aches and pains all night, rather than get up and swallow a pill. i'm just dumb like that.

well, now i can breathe, but my nose hurts. i don't know if it is from the spray or from blowing it so much. i even actually hooked the humidifier up in clay's room and the vaporizer in my room. i need some damn moisture in this house!!

clay took a good nap today. even through the banging. like usual, they left around 3. must be nice to work from 11:30-3. look who is talking, i don't work at all. YES I DO!!! i work from the time clay gets up til the time he goes to sleep. even after he goes to sleep, cause then i have to clean up the damn house!

know what i hate about fear factor?! i think that they should NOT tell you if noone is going to get eliminated in a certain round. that way everyone would try their hardest to do the damn stunt!!! cause if that was me, and i heard no elimination, i sure as hell would not be eating any nasty shit. i wouldn't be eating any nasty shit anyways, that is why i would not be on that show. but for all the other crazies out there. they should think they may be booted so do the damn stunt.

that was some gross shit they ate tonight. and for a 2 week vacation. who in the hell can take off 2 weeks from work?!?! and they better give you a damn lot of spending money for 2 weeks!

oh well, i like the blondes, i am glad they moved on. i really don't even like them that much, i just totally hated those people that were asses, so i know they will be pissed if they win. yeah, i am mean like that. i was sad that the black couple got booted tonight, i did like them.

i actually picked the right guy to be sent home on the bachelorette tonight. can i just say, how hot is jerry!!! i mean, oh my god!!!!! it takes all i have to not repeat that every 2 minutes, since my husband is sitting right there. but damn, THAT GUY IS SOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!

once again that nanny show, just made me more terrified for my child to get older. i can totally see him being like that one little brat on there tonight! he is already doing the whole kicking and hitting thing. and his newest thing. he will shreik "NO" at the top of his lungs, and even drag it out NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! so not only does he say no about every 10 seconds, he screams it. i just want to shove a damn bar of soap in there when he does that!!!! as of now, "no" is officially my least favorite word ever!!!!!!!

he did that in the store the other day. bob and i were at a total loss, cause we used to have a happy, gentle, great acting, angel. not any longer!!!! he would not sit in the damn cart. and of course used the big ole' NO when we tried to make him. thankfully we were only going in and out, cause i could not handle all that.

but he is still cute! even though he gets on my last nerve very often these days. but like i said, i don't think it is his fault totally. we are stuck in this damn house. he needs to run a couple laps around a track or something to release all his energy! i just did a yahoo search for places for toddlers to play. the only things to come up were chuckie cheese and damn mcdonald's. not that i believe any of those damn emails things, i just get a little leary about the mcdonald's ones. and chucky cheese. i don't know. i just envision a mass of children all running and not paying attention, and my poor kid in the middle not knowing what the hell to do. he isn't around kids much (at all). and when he is, he sure doesn't share (i know that is somewhat normal at this age). and at christmas when that kid pushed my child, i was about to do bodily harm to him....and he was blood, i don't know about a straner kid.

oh why can't it just be nice out, so we can go play in the back yard, or to the park?!?! i hate winter. and i hate my house. i cannot wait to have more room! or at least be able to let my child run around in the yard, without the fear of the busy road feet from us. my back yard is fenced in, but doesn't get much sun, so now it is a bunch of snow/slush/mud (not to mention, ladders, siding bits, insulation bits, and other various tools and objects not for kids, right now). the front is nice and clear, but no fence. and clay knows NO boundries. so he just wants to run down through the neighbor's yards, or towards the street. so we don't do the front yard!

how does it get so late so fast?! my eyes are burning like hell, i need to get to sleep. do you know.....it has been about at least 6 months since my LASIK and sometimes at night i still go to take my glasses off. or if my eyes feel like they do now, i think i need to take my contacts out (i haven't worn contacts in i don't even know how long!) funny! i still have the starburst thing. and i don't think i can see too well at night/dark.

i think i was supposed to go back for a check in october, but missed that. i want to go now, but with bob working straight days, it is almost impossible. it is like an hour away. i do not want to drive myself. i hate the highway. so i have no way to get there. i'm sure my mom would take me if i asked her, but i cannot go an hour there and a damn hour back without smoking. for those of you who smoke, how long can you drive in a car without a cigarette?! and my mom is not patient or sympathetic about smoking. when we get there if i want to smoke real quick, she rushes me and i get about half a cigarette and i don't even enjoy it cause she is rushing me. the same if i try and smoke before we head home. so it isn't even worth it.

there i go again rambling. and i lit another cigarette!!! i need to get to sleep! our realtor set up 7 houses for tomorrow!!!!! 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we aren't even starting til 5:30pm!! my poor mom is getting stuck with clay (and she has dinner plans, which means she has to take him....if you only knew what it was like eating with her and clay...oy!) i feel bad, but god knows when we are going to get home and if the houses aren't vacant, i cannot have my child running through someone's house ransacking it!!! i wouldn't even get to look at the damn houses!! so i am going to tell him tomorrow, to just set them up for the weekend from now on. i'm excited though. we are going to the ones i told you were my faves. plus a few others that i found that sounded nice.

oh well..........rambling again...........good night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to ask you about that. How did your LASIK surgery go and what do you think of it now? Are you happy you did it? Because it's something I'd really like to do, but I'm curious how it's turned out for other people. -Heather (http://foursquare.diaryland.com)

12:56 PM  

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