Friday, January 14, 2005

~1-14-05~ Clay cuteness

i forgot a few cute things about clay.

for christmas i got him a letter puzzle that has both capital and lower case letters. he already knows the upper, but was clueless with the lower case, so i thought it would be neat to have them both side by side. well he pretty much has them, but have you ever noticed how difficult the lower case letters are?!?!?!

think about it!! especially if you are 2!!! for example.

little b, d, p, and q. are pretty much the same thing!!!! or could be the same thing, depending on which way you turn/hold them. so i can't really tell him he is wrong...hell i don't even know til you put them in the puzzle and they don't fit!! to make it worse the d and p are the same color, so you can't even go by that!!!!!

then we go on to l and i. he usually puts them in the right place, but now the l is missing and he always points at it and says "i". so i always go "little l" now that i type it i am surprised he doesn't call it an "um (one)" more confusion!

it is cute, he calls the little g, nine. funny! and it is hard to correct him, cause he is SUCH a tease! you do and he just does the wrong thing just to spite you. that goes the same for NO. half the time i just don't even tell him no anymore, cause if i do, he will then just do it more.....guess that is spiteful, not a tease. but he thinks it is just the funniest thing!!!! once again, he is lucky he is so cute! he better take advantage now, cause that won't last forever i'm sorry to say!!

i was calling him a hillbilly the other day, cause his face and shirt were a mess, my mother fed him. so he would lift up his shirt cause he thought i said belly. so he would lift his shirt and i would go "hillbilly, not hillbelly", this was the funniest thing to him, so even today he would come up to me and lift up his shirt so i would do the whole routine over again. too cute!

ok, enough cuteness for one entry. night


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