Friday, January 14, 2005

~1-14-05~ %#$&*@! Bills

well after i left you all last night i decided to pay bills, well somehow i totally screwed that up!!

in december we had 3 pays, so that sort of messed up the dates in which bob got paid. i have 2 batches of bills. the ones that come outof first pay, and the ones that come out of the second pay. usually even though i paid the ones the first pay, if i skip and wait til 2nd pay they will still be ok.

well that is until the dates got screwed up!!!

so i paid everything, and the few things that have to wait. bob's nest pay is the 28th. but the few thing that had to wait are due like the 25th!!!! HELL!!!!

so now i need $477! i was going to borrow it from my mom, but i was laready paying her $200 this month on what i owe her. i'm hoping that by the time i mail them out and they get it and it clears it will be the 28th!

i hate this shit!!! i can't wait til next pay, then it should be bob'snew pay and i am soooooooooooo looking forward to that!

i hate bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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