Tuesday, December 14, 2004

~12-14-04~ Still sick

yes, i am still sick. one of the most written "cures" for bronchitis is sleep. HAHA! what is that?!

you think i would be sleeping already with the whole not smoking thing, it would keep my mind off of it, but no.........still can't get my ass to bed early, not in sickness, not in nicotine craving, nothing!!!

the whole not smoking thing really isn't that bad. the time i had pneumonia i didn't smoke for over a week. it was easy, but then again, it may be easy cause i know what it will be like if i tried to smoke while sick. even though i have done that before. smoking is real fun when you have bronchitis. i was thinking about actually quitting, but i just placed and order for cigarettes the other day, so they should be on their way to my door in a day or so, so guess it just isn't my time.

i am being good though. it isn't that bad right now, so i don't want to smoke and make it get worse. this is actually the mildest case i have ever had, which almost makes me think it is something different, but what?!

my exciting life!!! see i did't lie in my title!! :)

well my carpets are getting cleaned tomorrow. i tried to move some stuff out tonight, since i had to vaccuum a ton of cat litter up, but i kept getting winded, so fuck it! i'll save the rest til tomorrow. bob said i can sleep in tomorrow, i don't know if i am going to take him up on it or not. i really want to get everything done before the guys get here. i want them in and out, so i can put clay to bed at a semi regular time.

i was going to see if they could do my furniture too, but i figured i am already writing them a check that i don't know how is going to clear, i should add any more on to it. why would you have a business and not take credit cards?! and what is really bad, is they couldn't give me a for sure price til they get here!! well it is your own damn fault if the check bounces then dumb ass! you should take capital 1.

i really hope i am feeling better soon. the dinner is saturday, and i don't feel like dealing with people if i am not feeling good. not that bob's family aren't nice people, but some of those kids are just hyper and they drive me insane! i shouldn't have to keep checking on a 14 or 15 year old to see what the hell he is doing now!!!! and i pray that they realize that this whole deal is just for a few hours! clay's bedtime is 9, so everyone has to be out by then!!!!! on that i am not being biased, the same goes for my family...9 o'clock, bye-bye!!

well it is after 2 and i need to get my rest so i can get well, not to mention i don't have much exciting to say right now, so i'll end it here. goodnight!


Blogger Tricia said...

Get better soon, girl! And I'm glad you're not smoking -- it only makes it last longer! take care!

5:00 PM  

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