Thursday, November 04, 2004

~11-4-04~ Not much...

to say today. still pretty upset about the events of yesterday.

i'm not even going to go into it all. i just hope that my husband has a job for the next 4 years!

as you can see, it is late. i have been doing my christmas shopping. yes i do about 90% of it online. i have since 1999. i'm usally done about now, so i got on it tonight. so now i am about all done. i didn't do bob yet. i usually get him some cool shit, i forget what last year was. how funny i can't remember!!!! ok, now that is going to drive me insane!!!!!

the year before we got the big screen tv. what in the world could we have got last year. this year i was thinking of doing the same and getting us something big for the house. i am still thinking about the washer and dryer i wrote about before. i just have to see if i can get any bills paid down (notice not off) before then. especially since i just did all my xmas shopping and put it all on credit cards.

hell i just remembered the $1000 that i am going to have to put in the house in the next few weeks when they finally start the work on it. maybe i'll get us the garage door we have been wanting. i feel better about spending the money when it is something that we actually need.

oh well, my head hurts from so much shopping, and my eyes are killing me! speaking of which, they have been really bad lately!! i don't know if it is from the surgery or what! they have felt really, REALLY dry and tired. i thought it may be with the furnace running all the time now and the air being dry. i still have the starburst/halo effect at night time when i look at bright lights. i tried to find a pic to illistrate it, but all i found were MUCH worse that what i experience. that last time i was there, a few months ago, he said that it should go away with time. i was supposed to go back a few weeks ago, but i didn't make it. maybe this month. even if it doesn't get better, i don't know if i want to go through the whole thing again to fix it if it can. i may just deal with it. who knows.

ok, i'm outta here!!


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