Monday, November 01, 2004

~11-1-04~ Fall back.

like usual, this time change is kicking my ass!!!!! at first my ass was all happy thinking i could put clay to be now t 8 instead of 9! YEAH!!!!! then i got to thinking, well since he usually gets up about 8:30, well now that means he will be up at 7:30 WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! that sucks!!!!!

of ourse it could all be remidied by me going to bed at a normal time, yeah, whatever..........

anyways, friday we finally went and checked out the new walmart. we even got a front row parking spot. which sucks!!!!! after we load up the car, we usually stand out and have a cigarette. well picture us trying to pack up all our groceries REALLY SLOW, cause some dmn woman was sitting there waiting for our spot thesecond we got to the car!! so bob is piddle pissing around, i am trying desperately to look as if i am actaully doing something, finally i tell bob to fuck it and just put the groceries away, cause i felt stupid. i know i would have been pissed if i was that person, but then again, i sure as hell wouldn't have sat there for that whole time to get a damn parking space!!!!! i am not one of those people, like my mother, who drives around 850 times trying to find a close spot, then rush to where people are headed, then sit there and wait. maybe if it was like 0 degrees out, but then again, i don't go outside when it is that cold, so i still wouldn't be doing that! so screw it, no more close spots for us.

the store wasn't bad. i thought it would be swamped with people, but it wasn't bad at all. except the cashier lady who didn't know what the fuck she was doing, but i won't go there. so i was all happy shopping, and once again, it finally hit me.....why do i shop anywhere else?!?!? the prices there are soooooooo good!!!! except on whole milk. they sure make up for all the other milk being $1.99, since whole milk is like $2.99!!!! which really isn't that bad either, at giant eagle i think milk starts at like $3.29!!!! gas was a super great price too, $1.81, compared to the $1.89 everywhere else. but we forgot about getting it. i'm not used to walmart having a gas station.

i didn't do too bad, barely over $100, which is good for me!!! especially since i had almost 2 carts going.

that night bob went to get some movies since we only had jersey girl left to watch, like usual we forgot to send our netflix back, so he had to go rent some. and what the hell does he come back with?!?!?!?! jasper, texas and the passion!!! what the hell?!?!?!?!? he knew, KNEW i did not want to see the passion. i can't bear to watch stuff like that. and jasper, texas, it is about that man who was dragged to death a few years back, once again, he knows i don't like watching true life stuff like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i left it up to him what we were going to watch first. we watched the texas one. it wasn't a bad movie, i just cannot for the life of me understand how people can treat other human beings like that!!! especially if they didn't even do anything to deserve it!!!!! i give it 3 out of 5 stars.

then we watched jersey girl. it was cute. i liked the dvd extras best. i didn't know that silent bob was the director, producer, whatever he was. he is too funny! he was in and also directed/produced(?) one of my favorite movies, dogma. funny, funny. it gets 4 out of 5 stars, cause of the extras.

saturday i scrapped the pumpkin patch idea. my cousin went and it sounded kind of expensive. i also wanted clay to get some use out of his costume, and be with other people/kids, so i decided to go to that party that bob was invited to. i also used it so HE could experience FIRST HAND why i want him to be with me at parties or what not, and not have to "deal" with clay by myself. he sure found out!!!!!!! the people's house where the party was was a huge farm type place. so there was MUCH, MUCH space for clay to be off and running to, and that he was!!!!! we only almost got in a fight once, and clay only threw a fit a few times, so it really wasn't that bad of a night. i was just jealous of the land. i want land like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! out in the middle of nowhere! no sirens!!! no traffic!!! no loud neighbors!!!! and a pond! i would love a pond! i would rather have a pond than a pool! i love me some fishing! who wants swimming, when you can have fishing!!!! i didn't even get to see the people's house. i am sure it was nice, but i just loved the area, and the land!!!!!

so that night he brought up our remaining movie, the passion. i was really hoping he would forget about it. he didn't! all i can say is what an awful movie!!!! not that it was made bad, or a bad movie. it was just so sad and depressing. i actually don't know if i cried more at any other movie made!!!!!! i was bawling for probably a half hour straight and i wasn't even watching what was happening!!!!! i could not bear to see most of it, which was actually the whole movie. i mean the man, jesus, was getting beat the whole entire movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didn't think it was ever going to end!! in a way i was finally relieved for him once he was up on the cross!!! once again, how in the hell do people treat people that way?!?!?!

i think you would get more out of it, if you actually KNOW your bible stuff. a lot of the time i had no clue who was who, what importance someone was, or why stuff was happening. of course i about got in a fight with my mom discussing it today. there is a lot of stuff i don't believe in (i'm not getting into it), and a ton of questions i have (which you are not supposed to question) so basically the movie just made me mad. it was awful, half the time i am sitting there hoping that something would happen, and then i'd be like duh!!! you know what happens, noone can jump in and save jesus!!! the worst part, that hit me the hardest was when mary had to sit and watch that happening to her son! my heart was being ripped from my chest!! i am crying as i write this!!! when it showed he running to him, as she flashed back to when he was a child and got hurt and her running to him. oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how incredibliy heart wrenching it would be to see that happening to your child!!!! it was just very sad, sad movie...on so many levels! i guess i have to give it a 5 out of 5 stars, it accomplished what it was meant, and it really did get to you!!! i don't know if bob cried or not, he better have, he cried during jersey girl!!!!! during the part i mentioned about about mary, i was crying, sobbing, out loud....that is how bad it hit me.

wow, that was an emotional entry there!!! whew!!!!

after that was over, most of the stations were all screwed up casue of the time change, but i found the lost boys! and after the heavy and deep movie we just watched, i wanted something light and entertaining! and i just loved the lost boys!!!!!!!! or should i say jason patric!!!!! hot, hot, hot!!!!!

so that brings us to today. once again not much happned. since i didn't go to bed til super late, bob got up, or i think, stayed up, when clay got up, at yes, 7:30!!! he came and got me around 9 cause he was falling asleep. my mom called around 11, she got back from her trip the night before and she wanted to stop over and see us. she came and visited for a bit, til it was nap time. i put him down around 1:30, and of course i laid down my own self. i think we all eneded up getting up around 5, or should i say clay got us up around 5.

BORING........i thought there was something today that was at least a little bit writing worthy....what?!??!

i don't know. extreme make over home, was good like usual. i didn't really cry tonight though. also, like usual, the house turned out very nice! i'm excited about the show on tomorrow, where they show behind the scenes of the show and how they get stuff done. next weeks lookes real interesting! and it is 2 hours long!!

desperate housewives still makes you wonder what the hell is going on with that kid and with that mike guy!

OH.........i finally broke down and ordered my christmas or birthday gift. it is HERE. HSN was having a big ultrex sale, and tonight and tonight only you got the special price plus NO SHIPPING fee!!! they even had it on 4 easy pays, so i couldn't pass it up!! i can't wait to get it! unlike some of my other purchases, this one is actually practical, since i really do cook, and cook alot! so i will definitely get use out of them!!

i guess that is it for now!! later!


Blogger My Life N Motion said...


Hi, hope you're doing well. I am trying to catch up on reading your blog since I missed it over the weekend. The part that you wrote about watching The Passion made me want to comment. I don't know what religion you are but I'm Catholic, and a new Catholic at that. You said, "there is a lot of stuff i don't believe in ... , and a ton of questions i have (which you are not supposed to question) ...". I had a lot of questions too, however, my priest and church as a whole encourages questions. They want you to understand and truly have faith in Christ. You can't have faith if you don't understand. Maybe you should reconsider who you're asking questions of. A good church/priest/minister/christian will take the time to explain things to you so that you understand and will NOT judge you for not knowing. You will not know if you don't ask questions. If you ever want to talk more about this or have any questions, feel free to ask me. If I don't know, I will research it until I find out. Talk to you soon.


12:10 PM  

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