Tuesday, April 20, 2004

i have a very VERY odd cat. he does quite a few things that i believe odd for cats, and after all i have had dozens in my life and none like him. firstly, which may not be too odd, he fetches like a dog. he will bring me a toy to throw, i do he goes and gets it, brings it back to me to throw again. it was cute at first but it gets very annoying very quick!!

secondly, he, everynight, drags clothes up from down the basement (where the washer and dryer are) you will here him meowing VERY loudly, and you know he has something hanging out his mouth!! in the morning when i come downstairs, there is ALWAYS at least 3-4 articles of clothes laying on the floor. sometimes he even makes it all the way upstairs to outside my bedroom door!! that is very annoying!!!! so now i have a pile of clothes on the basement steps landing of just clothes that he carries up. i am not too good about doing laundry, so it takes me quite a while to do any of it. he will bring stuff up that i haven't seen in quite sometime and don't even know where the hell he got it from

this last one, is the MAIN one of my concerns at the moment. this behavior just recently started over the past few months. well you know how cats do hat god awful kneading thing. well, like normal cats, one night he was up there doing that. his thing is that he has to do it ON you, or at least touching you, so it hurts. if you move he moves right along with you. and don't think about covering up, i think that just makes him go deeper and harder! that isn't what i am getting at, but anyways........like normal he was doing that, i'm trying to go to sleep, so i am trying to ignore him. so he is kind of on my arm and it seemed like he was trying to straddle my arm. so i just kind of moved and he kept doing this weird meow, like bitching at me for moving and disturbing him. whatever dude!!!! so he moved along with me, and kept doing his thing, and then it seemed like he was doing it with his back paws as well, cause i could feel him moving. so i was like what the hell and rolled over. so the next night, same thing. this time the lights were on and i kind of had a strange feeling. so i ended up shoving him off the bed. the next night i told bob to watch what piggy was doing. so here is my cat and it looks like he is humping the covers or whatever it is that he is "on". i said, is he doing what it looks like? do cats even do that?!?!?! so i sort of pushed him over and sure enough there was his "little pink thing" all out and at attention. i was like OMFG!!!! what the hell is up with that?! at first, when it started was when i was pregnant there for a short time in november. so we sort of thought maybe he could sense it from like hormones i was giving off or something?! well i am no longer pregnant and he still does it! just about every night! i feel bad for the poor guy. he is already fixed, but i was half tempted to go get a female cat for the poor guy. i thought about calling the vet, but don't really want to explain this whole story to him!! so anyone else have any experience with this?! i know there are dogs that do that, but aren't they just puppies and eventually quit?! piggy is like 8 years old!


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