Thursday, April 15, 2004 quick bitch here before i got put my child to sleep (grandma is here, so i get to have some free time, yipee) my canon printer for some reason quit working. i did everything i could think of but it was shot, so i got a new (used) print head off ebay for like $50+ which was great cause a new one from canon was $72 + taxand the meantime before ebay, i bought a lexmark p707 from bj's. it was clearanced for like $70 plus it had a $50 rebate! so i only paid like $20 for it. well for some reason the colors in my pictures has been stupid lately, and that printer prints the wacky colors even wackier. so i was pissed, but figured hey, it was only $20, and i needed something to print my invoices out on, so i got my $$ worth. so anyways, i get the canon print head....i'm all happy, i just tried to print my pictures from easter, and they look like shit! what the hell now?! so i printed the same pics on the lexmark, and the quality is MUCH better, but the colors are still not quite right for some reason?!?!?!? whole bitch is that it takes 17 minutes for this printer to print on page of pictures (2 4x6's) that is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!

i don't know i think i may try to print some stuff on the canon, maybe since i just got it up and running, it will take some time to get the ink in the print head well enough, i don't know....i am so considering just going and getting a new one, they have some great ones for like $200, and i know i will get my money's worth as much as i print pictures. the hard partly lately is have the $200 to go and buy a new one. will i ever be out of debt?!?! i know, yes.....when i die!!!!!!!!!!! (or when i kill bob and collect the life insurance........just kidding hunnyy~~love you!!!!!!)


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