Friday, October 22, 2004

~10-22-04~ Break time

i'm babysitting.....well actually bobis babysitting right this minute, i came up to smoke.

last night went well again. i also had every intention of going to bed early, BUT i started looking at damn houses. i don't know why i do that! we are no where need ready or able to get another house. and of course i find a few that i just LOVE, which means bob will hate them. sigh!

we are supposed to get our nre DVR-HD box today. YEAH! that may meanno nap for me today. i'd like to getthe old one disconnected and taken out before the guy gets here. it is abig mess back ther, and i hate people messing with the way i have stuff hooked up. he is supposed to be here between 4-6. last time they dicked me and didn't show up. i called to get my $25 credit you are supposed toget when they aren't on time or don't show, and they tried to tell me the guy called twice and got no answer. BULLSHIT!!!! my ass was home all day. the only thing, clay had the phone off the hook, well that means if the guy called he would have got a busy signal, which would usually mean someone IS home, they are on the phone!!!!!! so i argued, but i guess their word wins over mine, who was right!!!! fuckers!!!! i pay those bastards almost $200 a month, you think i would get special treatment! yeah, right!

anyways, he better show, i'm excited to play with my new toy tonight, since nothing is on after joan of arcadia. mayeb i will even dvr it and watch it later! haha!! i love new toys!!

i better get back to watching the kids. see ya'll later!


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