Saturday, September 04, 2004

~9-4-04~ Quick Bitch

the other day on my called id i saw call from providian, one of my credit cards. i wondered what the hell they wanted cause ijust closed one of them and the other i don't use cause of the high interest. i thought maybe they screwed something up, they are known to do, so after i just paid my bills i went over to their site to heck my accounts.

well the account that is still open and has no balance, it says cannot access, call such and such number. i was like whatthe hell?!?! then i noticed that it said my balance was like $1200!!!!!!

oh hell no it isn't! i haven't used that card since christmas, and it has been long paid off! so i quickly called the number on my screen, of course they are closed! but it said that it was the fraud department!!!!!

so what?! has someone used my card?!?! i'm so pissed right now! and it better the fuck not be my husband!!! yes, he has been known to do such stupid shit! but the thing is, my cards are all hidden, so he couldn't have used the actual card, or anyone else for that matter. so it had to be something online. so now i am all stressed. i actually can't wait til 8AM now! now watch these fuckers not be open again til monday! oh hell, monday is a holiday!!!!!!!!!!! if i have to go 3 days til i find out what the fuck, i'm gonna be pissed! and they haven't even called back since 8/31. or even sent me an email, what the fuck. i think that would be important enough to call every few hours, like they would if i owed them money!!!!!

which leads me to another quick bitch about credit cards. my damn citibank card is pissing me off. i can't really bitch much about them, since they are a "real" card...not like my other post-bankruptcy cards. anyways, i paid my bill the 2nd of august, well here my statement didn't start til the 6th, so the payment i made was applied to july's bill, not august, so now they are saying i am past due!!!! charging me a late fee, and raising my interest rate, from the intro. 0%. so i am HOT!!!!! so i had to make an additional double payment, so my card wouldn't be deactivated!!!!! i asked the dude on the phone about taking the late fee off and putting my interest rate back down and he said they should since this is the first time. well, they damn well better! i've been using this card like a freak cause i get points, i know they suckered me into it, but i also try to pay off what i put on it that month though as well. so it isn't like i am making the measly minimum payment. yet i am being "punished" for paying EARLY!!! what the fuck?!

ok, i have to go to bed now. holy hell it is 4 AM!!!! shit.......night!


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