Wednesday, August 18, 2004

~8-18-04~ Now what blogger, expanded.

yes, i'm still up.

the damn messed up top to my blog bothered me so i was goofing around with it. i noticed the new little bar they put at the top, what is that?!

well i then, checked my site meter and holy hell, i had 18 hits today. yes, that is quite a few for little ole me. so i followed back where they came from. so, i was totally confused as to how these people were directed to me from these sites.

~lightbulb~ then it clicked. while checking out the new banner on top of blogger pages now, there is that "next blog" button. i am assuming if you click it it will take you to a random blog. so that is why all of the hits?!

why am i always the last to know about this stuff?! maybe it is brand spanking new, cause yesterday i had like maybe 4 page views. i thought i was suddenly interesting, or popular or something! HA! wrong! innocent people directed my boring way! haha!!

after re-reading a few of my posts, these new people are probably disgusted with my spelling. so i ask, if blogger has time to get to making all this neat, nifty new banner stuff, why can they not get around to fixing my danm spell checker?!?!?!?! my posts are awful!

just so you know, it is not cause i am that awful of a speller. i'm on this laptop, and for some reason it doesn't agree with my fingers or something, cause it sure doesn't type what i spell!

oh well. sorry guys, i posted like 5 posts today, and like me, they aren't all very short. sorry if i take up too much of your work day!

peace out dog! haha!!


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