Tuesday, April 25, 2006

~4-25-06~ Well hell.....

the month is almost over, so i figured i should write at least one entry.

it sure has been a while.

too bad i can't say much exciting has been happening.

still have NOT sold the house, or even close!! the last people who came and looked sort of pissed me off.....they said that too much work needed done....


we just had new siding, new gutters, new roof, new windows, new front door, new garage door with opener, most new plumbing, new furnace, new a/c, mostly new appliances.........um what else is there?!?!?!?!?!?!

well there are some cracks in some walls and some ceilings!!!

so you can't fucking buy some spackle and some paint?!?!?!?! i'm sorry that the whole house isn't brand new, and it is actually quite old, what the hell do you expect for $89,900. don't know if i have written since we brought the house down in price AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so now we are basically at the mind set of fuck it. we will stay here another year or so and pay off more bills, pay the house down and then go from there. summer is here and it is the time we like to do stuff to and around the house. we don't really want to start something then sell, but we also don't want to sit around all summer or more and not have any of this stuff done.......

we just put a little pond in the back. i'll take some pictures and show you all. we just feel terrible for our catfish. we were really hoping to have a new house now and a real nice pond for him, get him out of that small tank he is in. so we were using the credit card like crazy, don't ask, so i was like screw it, let's get a pond. i think it looks nice, i can't wait to plant all the flowers and such.

we agreed to have an open house this sunday, we were going to give it one last try and after that just tell her we were going to be taking it off the market for a while. but now i am thinking that maybe our contract was up this month. she did call today, but when we called her back she was gone, so who knows.

i sure won't be missing having to spic and span clean this place in 24 hours notice, sometimes less, and for open houses, that is for sure.

the BIG news i do have is that we have finally started potty training, and it is actually sort of working! woooo-hooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe i can actually send him to preschool this fall.

i think i started the week before easter. i am not even sure why i started, but i did and i was really going to enforce it. and he actually didn't protest TOO much, and we have been doing pretty well. we were using pull ups for bye bye time, but i think that is just dumb, he thinks he can go potty in his pants when we go bye-bye, stupid! pull ups are stupid! so i cut that out. we have been out a few times and he only had an accident once. thankfully we were outside at walmart and not inside! he did have an accident, 1 and 2, for my mom the other day. i don't know why?! she said she even JUST asked if he had to go. i think it is because she didn't have the little potty there, just the regular one. and for some reason he had an accident tonight. funny that all these accidents, except walmart, i wasn't around. i mean we go allllllllllll day with no accidnets! i mean he is even pooping on the potty!!!! that is a major milestone!

we are still using diapers at night, which is also stupid, but i just don't know if he really gets the "feeling" of having to do or can try and control it, so i am giving those about another week, then i will start the wonderful task of bedtime with underwear! fun, fun.

i am really excited, but that just means he is growing up so fast!!!!!!

and we are still NOT pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after trying again next month, i think i am going to set something up with a fertility specialist and see what they can tell us.

oh another thing that happened recently........we had to spend the night in the hospital april fools day! what an awful day and night.

we woke up everything was fine, then clay had diariah (sp?) then again. so i fixed him the good ole BRAT diet for breakfast and about 10 minutes later he threw that all up, and after that about every 5 minutes whatever he put in came right back out BOTH ends!!!!!! it was horrendous! he was miserable!!!! we could get nothing to stay down! so finally about 4pm we went the the ER. after waiting in the lobby for an hour, and a nice vomitting on the floor, we finally got sent back. he was doing pretty good with the iv, oh the iv! that was awful!!!!!!! thank god for tv and spongebob, i think i actually took it worse than he did. then they gave him some popscicles that he was loving!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he wasn't bad......then i got the news we were going to have to stay overnight! that sucked! when we fianlly got upstairs, almost in his room ALL of the popscicles came back up, and he got miserable again. he kept wanting water, and we weren't allowed to give him anything, then he wanted ice chips, which we were supposed to give sparingly, but that is soooooo hard when you child is sitting there BEGGING for some damn ice.

i don't know who the fuck gives the orders in those places but finally at almost 11 pm, about 7 hours after we got there, they finally gave him something to STOP the vomiting..........and he didn't throw up after.



another thing i would like explained is what happens to the paper work that the 5 doctors that talk to me fill out. i mean i see 5 different people the SAME thing, and they all write it down, where does it go that the next 4 have to reask and rewrite?!?!? that sooooooooooooooooooooooo irritates me!!!!

and my mother........everything is cause we have a dog and 2 cats. she had to make sure she told the doctor's that!!!!!! that is going to be the downfall of civilization. PETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they are the cause of everything. if you are sick, it is because you have a pet!!!!

and i am a hillbilly. because i let my dog on the couch then i actually have the nerve to let clay on the couch!!!!!!!!! actually it was the blanket i made for the dog, it was on the couch, and clay was sitting on it...........OH THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!

i was like the dog is on the floor all the time and clay is on the floor. what?! then she about had a heart attack cause the dog peed on the grass right by the patio. um, yeah....???????? does she not know that rabbits pee out there, birds pee out there, any other animal that may go across the yard probably pees out there.......GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in her credit we are not the most diligent about hand washing, but i think it is because of her!!!!!!!!! she was always a freak about it, so i think i sort of subconsciencely rebelled, same with cleaning the house. i think she was so neurotic about it, i just shut down in that area. and my house really isn't that bad people!! and even if it were it is my house!!!!!!!!

noone tells her that when she comes over and there is a sink full of dishes to start doing them!!!!!!!!!!!!! then she was complaing that all my silverwear was dirty, why would i wait for it all to be dirty before i cleaned it...........i don't know why it happened really, but so what, it is my house, if that is the way i want to do things then so be it!!!!!!

then the other day when we were at this landscaping place, i was telling her i was so happy cause clay had to go potty and they actually let me use theirs, it wasn't a public restroom, anyways, i was so happy that clay actually sat on the regular potty and went pee............

waiting for her excitment as well, all i got was "YOU DIDN'T LET HIM SIT ON THE SEAT DID YOU???? DID YOU AT LEAST PUT TOILET PAPER DOWN??" i didn't even answer her, all i got back was "you didn't" then she basically hung up on me.

can you believe that my child has made it to 3?!?! he has never been sick, before this last time, he did have the 24 hour thing when he was real little, but that is it. no sickness, no illness........nothing! yet it is like she is amazed that he is still alive! hell i still get bitched at when he falls and gets scrapes and bruises!!!! he is a boy for christ's sake! does she forget what my legs used to look like when i was little?!?! i had to go to the ER once cause i got a bloody nose that wouldn't stop, and i remember her comment that looking at my legs they were going to think i got beat.

my mother!!! funny that i actually want to get a house where she can live with us, huh?!

on to the dog. he was doing pretty good for a while with no accidents in the house, granted it had been nice here for a while so he was out alot, then the other day he went like freaking 4 times!! and he was out, so i don't know what the hell that was all about. that pisses me off!

he scratched the world out of clay's face the other day, and believe it or not my mother did NOT have a heart attack like we all feared. but it is partly clay's fault. he takes the dogs toys and basically teases the dog and WON'T throw them!!!! the dog thinks he is playing and jumps at him, well the dog is so big and clay so little, his paws go right on clay's face.

he really does need to quit with the jumping. i HATE dogs that do that and he does!!!!! i just got my soft claws in the mail today! they are these little plastic cap things that go over their claws, so they don't scratch! i was all excited to put them on tonight, but you have to clip their nails first, and i of course don't own dog clippers.

well i need to get to bed, cause my dog is going ape shit chasing the cats around and my child just got up cause of it. it was cute, i put him back to bed and i said, "oh my baby" and he said, "i not baby, i big boy" that is what we tell him now so he uses the potty. that was funny! then he said, "i like mommy" he says like instead of love. that was cute too, then he said, "mommy my best friend." he siad that out of the blue about the dog the other day and now he says it to me too, it is so damn cute!!!!!

too cute, but why is he so bad during the day!!! ahhhh!!!! little 3 year old boys!!! gotta love em!!! and i sure do!!!!!

take care everyone!!


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