Friday, December 31, 2004

~12-31-04~ Happy New Year!

well, i can't believe that it has been a whole year! wow!

there are a few things that i would like to make for new year resolution's, but knowing how i never keep them, there is really no sense in making them!

the 2 that i would really like to keep are lose weight of course. i really do somehow plan on doing this. we are supposed to try for baby #2 around august, and i am NOT getting pregnant if i don't lose the weight that i gained with the first pregnancy!! so i'd love to lose 20-30 pounds. i'll be happy with 20. so i should really start now, but you know how that goes.

the other that i would love to keep, is to keep this house clean!!!!!!!!! it is so nice and clean, still, from having the families over for the holidays, at least the downstairs is. i just can't stand the mess!! and knowing that it is going to be a mess 5 minutes after i clean, just makes me put it off.

speaking of is it that i leave my husband and my child alone for an hour and my house somehow turns into a disaster?!?!?!?! i vacuumed and picked up today. we were home all day and the house looked great. i left to go get the stickers for my license, come home an hour later and i can barely see the floor! what the hell?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i've noticed the same thing when bob will get up with clay. i don't know what the hell happens when i am not around, but STOP IT!!!! if i actually had a job, and worked all day, and then came home to that.....i would seriously go insane!!

well my door is in for the most part. he has to come back and finish up some caulking and stuff. he like really fucked up part of my wall. i don't know what is going to happen there. bob said that is why we shouldn't have family do anything. so of course, i don't know if i am going to say anything or not. the bad thing is that if he does anything to fix it, it is going to need painted, which means then i am going to have to paint my whole foyer. the sort of "good" thing is that i have a stand that goes there, so you wouldn't see it anyways.

then it is a good inch or 2 higher than my previous door. which is understandable. i mean i had a big ass gap under the door where all the weather came in(we had to cut off some of the old door so it would open over the new carpet), so he had to do what he had to do to get the door even and open over the carpet, so it is nothing he did wrong, it just sucks. i tripped coming in, since i am not used to the bigger step up. so we will have to put some sort of ramp or mini step or something, so people don't go tripping in and out of my house.....meaning me!

i really wouldn't mind painting my foyer, i thought about it. the people who lived here before us, i think they just slapped some paint on the walls before they sold it. it is bad. BUT i hung border, how do you paint around that?! i mean i guess you could just be careful, the other bad thing is that it isn't straight edged border, it is scalloped, so that will be a real pain. i may just forget about the walls and just do the trim. now that i have a nice new white door, my "white" trim looks like dirty white. plus there is some framing around the door that needs painted anyways, which i would never be able to match "dirty" white. that will be much cheaper, plus i think i still have some white paint in the basement, that we hardly used.

another bitch i have is that my new windows don't have those grid thingies in the top pain. which wouldn't really be a problem, but i didn't replace the downstairs windows, which DO have the grids!!!! so no i have to see if i can at least get some for the windows that face the street so it somewhat matches....which brings another problem........when we had the house painted when we moved in, the guys painted the frame of the storm windows. so they are a hunter green, when the rest of the new windows are those need painted. not to mention the outside of the windows themselves will need painted to match the new white the rest of the house will be. work, work, work!!!! i tell ya!

oh well, enough of bitching!

did anyone see motley crue on jimmy kimmel the other night? was it just me or could you NOT hear them?!?! i mean you heard the music ok, but i couldn't hear vince singing! and does mick look like he is about 150. i mean he always looked freaky, but he looks like he could be the rest of the guy's grandfather!

oh well, tomorrow is sort of a holiday, so i don't know how many of you will be reading this i will end now.

if you all are headed out tomorrow night, please be safe! have a happy new year's eve!! see ya next year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done on a nice blog Jennifer. I was looking for information on pregnancy calendar and came across your post ~12-31-04~ Happy New Year! - not quite what I was looking for related to pregnancy calendar but interesting all the same!

9:32 AM  

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