Friday, October 01, 2004

~10-1-04~ I'm back

sorry for the skipped days.

i felt like total shit yesterday. i don't know what the problem was! i woke up to a horrible belly ache, and spent about an hour in the bathroom! mind you half the time i was in there my child was in his crib yelling "mom". why was he up at 7AM?!?!?! cause he knew i felt like shit?! i could have blamed my crazy neighbor lady, since she was out there at 7AM honking her fucking horn for about 15 minutes, every 2 minutes! why the hell would someone do that?!?! especially when you know there is a child in the house right beside the road where you are parked?!?!?! luckily for her, i think he was already up before she started. i was about ready to go over there and yank her fucking kid out of the house and throw him in the goddamned car, so the honking would end!!!!

back to i felt awful. i seriously considered calling bob and making him come home from work. but no, couldn't do that. then i was going to call my mom, but i knew she had plans after work, and i didn't want her to change her plans for me. being a mom you have NO sick days. you have to suck it up and deal.

i shut the gate in the living room and curled up on the couch. thankfully clay pretty much did his own thing. he was up on the couch with me for a little bit, then he was down playing most of the day. my grandpa came over about noon, so i had to get up. it was about lunch time anyways, and then nap time is 1:30. as soon as i put him in bed, i went directly there myself. and as luck would have it my cigarettes were due to come that day. they were delievered by ups, so they don't give you a time. and of course, since they were cigarettes they NEEDED a signature. but i was like screw that. i have enough to last me, they can just bring them back tomorrow. so i slept! didn't get up til about 4:30.

my child has been SLEEPING for his nap. i put him down about 1:30, i don't hear a peep from him, and recently, this week, he hasn't been getting up til almost 5, and that is cause i go in there to wake him up. what is up with that?!? i hate waking him, but getting up at 5 kind of makes him going to sleep at a normal hour out of the question. even when he used to get up from his nap at 3:30, every time i put him to sleep for the night, he is up there in his crib pissing around for at least an hour! reguardless of what time i put him up there he usually doesn't go to sleep til about 10:30.

anyways....i'm feeling better today. i don't know what the deal was yesterday.

i also was messing around with this thing i got for my cell phone, so i can transfer stuff between phone and computer. well of course i can't get the damn thing to work! i have installed and re-installed, installed, and re-installed. i don't know what the hell the problem is. and of course there is no booklet or anything to help. there is an 800 number, i was surprised, but i just hate dealing with people on the phone, and i am going to get a offense, but if i can't understand something and i am relying on someone to explain it to me, i need to understand the person!!!!!!! so i've put that off for the past 2 nights. sigh!

bob is finally off tomorrow, and there is so much stuff to do around here. i have been telling him for over a month now, to get the pool taken down, so we don't have a repeat of last year, where it sat outside all winter. well i think fall is officially here now, next week it is only supposed to be in the 50's. so now he is going to have to be out in the cold ass water messing with the damn pool!!! and the grass needs mowed terribly!

we also need to paint the soffets(?) of the house before we start to get our work done. we couldn't afford to get those done, so we are just going to paint them white. i also want him to paint the chimnies, the porch, and the foundation brick black. so we have to get on that as well. my cousin said we should buy brick stain to do the brick, or else the paint will just chip off. sounds great, but i as hoping to do everything with a paint sprayer, cause some stuff is just going to be too hard to reach with regular brushes, i doubt you can put stain in we have to go to lowe's and check that stuff out. i also want to get some insulation for the attic, since we are getting a new roof, should get everything else right as well. hopefully with that, the new windows, and the new furnace, my house will actually be warm now without cranking the heat up to 80!!

well, i'm off. bob will be home shortly. maybe i'll check in here this weekend, if not see ya monday. have a good one!


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