Monday, May 31, 2004


i'm highly pissed right now!

the other day i was sitting here and i found a flea on my leg! a what?! my cats don't go outside. part of the reason they don't is because i do not ever, EVER want to have fleas again.

i'll tell you my horror story with fleas. i used to have a ton of animals. it started with a dog and cat, then my cat had kittens, and then i was allowed to keep 2, so then it was 3 cats and a dog. wait now i am confusing myself. i don't have good luck with animals, that is my 90% reason my cats don't go outside. well at some point i had 4 cats, momma kitty and bitch kitty both had a litter a week apart. something happened and mamma kitties all died except 1, so i had 4 cats and 5 kittens. anyways, i went in to check on the kitties and i felt something crawling on my leg, i looked down and there were fleas covering both of my legs!!!!!!! i am not exaggerating!!!! i freaked out, ran outside shaking violently to get them off of me. at that point i didn't even want to go back in my house! i checked out the baby kitties and they were covered. i felt awful, because i couldn't do anything because they were too young for any flea treatments. so i had to wait it out. we kept our old newspapers behind out couch, remember we are hillbillies, and you could actually HEAR them jumping on the papers!!!!!!!!!!!! it was very, very bad. i don't know what we did to get rid of it all. i think eventually since all my cats happened to disappear, then winter came, that solved it. from that point on i never had outside animals again!!!!!

so anyways. i have been flea free since about 1997. well for a week or so last fall piggy got out, i finally found him. i was very relieved that he was home, but then found out he had fleas. i got some of that stuff you put on their necks, i would have loved that invention back in 1996!!!! and winter came and all was fine. well now i see that freakin flea on my leg!!! but i have no bites!! i've never seen any fleas before!! today i noticed like 2 bites on clays leg, which reminded me of the flea i saw the other day. but we are outside all the time, he could have got them from the grass......well i just did a quick check of one of my cats........YEP!!! he has fleas!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm so damn pissed i'm about to scream. i was half tempted to go wake bob up to bitch, like that would help anything!!!

well i just found the stuff i had last time. i did piggy, and like last time, spook is gone! i don't know where he ran off to, guess i will catch him later. i don't know about this stuff though. it doesn't say anything about killing the fleas, all it talks about is killing the eggs.

well just got spook, that was hard as hell! good thing he doesn't have claws! now they are running around freaking out. piggy was about to go to the bathroom on the carpet i just scrubbed. since we are hillbillies and never change the litter they started to do that. i did change the litter the other day, but i think that they don't like the generic kind. i have heard that some cats are like that and mine are weird enough for that to be the case. so i busted but scrubbing the carpet where i knew he went. damned if the fucker just wasn't about to go there now! i took him down the basement, where i know bob just did the boxes tonight while i did the carpet. he jumped out, ran around everything and then went back in and went. poop no less! he was going to poop on my carpet!!! actually poop is easier to clean than pee, but i want none of it. i didn't even think to tell bob when he changed them to put in the good litter, i have 2 big ass tubs of it sitting in the kitchen! well hopefully now he knows it is clean and will go there. i'm not having to deal with the whole pee thing again like i did with my previous cat. that gets so frustrating! i wish i was the type of person who could get rid of animals that do stuff like that. but no, they are my babies somehow she mysteriously got out, and i haven't found her yet. it is going on a year. bob still swears he had nothing to do with it, but sorry honey, i just don't believe it! so finally my house was finally starting to be pee smell free......then this!

animals are such a pain!

so that was my fun filled day! woo-hoo!!


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